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Communications Officer

  • International Centre for Migration Policy Development
Brussels, Belgium
Application Deadline: October 16, 2024
  • International Centre for Migration Policy Development
Brussels, Belgium
Application Deadline: October 16, 2024


The Communications Officer contributes to the implementation of organisational knowledge management and communication strategies and processes under EUDiF II, including the effective use and promotion of the EUDiF platforms, resources, and toolboxes. In line with ICMPD’s overall corporate communications strategy, s/he prepares, plans and coordinates communication and visibility activities within the project, contributing to content creation which aligns with the project goals and objectives. S/he supports and coordinates the work of experts and consultants, ensuring that knowledge generation, production and disseminations are conducted according to the project’s work plan and in compliance with donor visibility guidelines. S/he monitors the internal and external dissemination and capitalisation of knowledge products and outputs generated with the EUDiF platforms ensuring they effectively reach intended audiences and stakeholders. S/he contributes to consolidating EUDiF as a knowledge hub platform, enhancing its website and available technical resources, maximising the project’s potential for knowledge exchange and dissemination.


  • Implementation of the Project Communication and Visibility Activities: All communication related activities implemented within the framework of the EUDiF communication and visibility plans and knowledge hub platform, effectively planned and coordinated with respective internal stakeholders, experts, and consultants. Implementation of these activities underpinned by effective outreach, communication and project visibility activities as determined by the Project Manager. A database of relevant stakeholder contact management established and maintained together with the communication and media contacts within these organisations;

  • Implementation of Project Communication and Visibility Operations: Communication activities ably implemented and organised with a variety of visibility items and compelling outputs being produced, ensuring consistent messaging across all media platforms, and the effective use and promotion of the EUDiF platforms, resources, and toolboxes. All activities systematically aligned with the approved project’s objectives, work plan, available communications budget, and in line with donor visibility requirements and communication guidelines. Effective technical contributions combined with solid writing skills provided to the timely production of fact-based communication outputs within the project’s portfolio. Media outputs and performance systematically measured. Liaison with ICMPD’s Corporate Communications Unit (COMMS) undertaken to ensure outputs are aligned with the Organisation’s overall communications strategy and format;

  • Support to Stakeholder Management: A transversal role adopted to maximise the project’s potential for knowledge exchange and dissemination by creating, utilizing, sharing, and distributing products and lessons learned for collaborations and partnerships with diaspora stakeholders. Relevant measures adopted to ensure that the scope and direction of communications activities remain relevant and engaging for the achievement of the intended results. Communications support creatively designed and organised to ensure the success of projects events, meetings, and other activities with a focus on visual and promotional content to ensure the effective enhancement of the reputation of ICMPD’s mission and activities in the EUDiF project;

  • Contributions to the Further Development of Communication Initiatives: In collaboration with the Project Manager concepts proposed for the effective use of emerging digital trends in the field of communications to support a cutting-edge approach to the creation and dissemination of information regarding ICMPD’s project portfolio in the Region.


  • Ability to leverage communication tools and methodologies (such as online monitoring, web analytics, surveys or other measurement tools) and to develop and analyse communications performance indicators;

  • Ability to identify content opportunities and produce the relevant materials and disseminate via the most appropriate digital channels;

  • Ability to support the development, production, and effective management of thematic knowledge products within a project framework;

  • Capability to identify digital trends and evaluation of emerging technologies to disseminate information on core project activities;

  • Capability to successfully build networks and partnerships;

  • Analytical thinking and ability to integrate new approaches and innovations to ensure the effective implementation of communication activities.


  • Master's Degree related to the area of work or equivalent;

  • Minimum of 3 years of experience in project related communication activities at the international level;

  • Experience in dealing with media representatives and handling media requests;

  • Experience in the identification of a relevant and appropriate social media presence;

  • Excellent organisational, drafting and communication skills;

  • Experience with graphic design programmes (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and In Design);

  • Proficiency in (verbal/written) English; proficiency in French is an asset;

  • Proficiency in the use of standard IT tools.

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