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Call for tenders – External evaluation of CONSOLIDATE’s impact and methodology

  • Eurocities
Brussels, Belgium
Application Deadline: January 17, 2025
  • Eurocities
Brussels, Belgium
Application Deadline: January 17, 2025
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The objective of the evaluation is to carry out the tasks listed below.

  • Task 1 – to assess to what extent CONSOLIDATE achieved the objectives and impact;

  • Task 2 – to assess the effectiveness of the mutual learning methodology implemented under CONSOLIDATE and draw up some lessons learnt and feedback;

  • Task 3 – to assess how and when knowledge transfer is the most effective. The evaluator will assess the effectiveness and impact of different learning formats within CONSOLIDATE, comparing and contrasting them to those deployed within connection and unites. The evaluator will draw up recommendations on how to continue, and where necessary adapt, the project’s approach to knowledge transfer. The recommendations will inform the technical proposal for a new project proposal.


The bid should contain a brief background of the applicant and a description of their methodological approach to this evaluation. Given Eurocities previous experience, some evaluation methods and tools which were implemented in the past funding period are proposed below.

Preparation phase

  • Kick-off meeting with the CONSOLIDATE coordinator held online to discuss the methodology and framework of the evaluation;

  • Creation of an evaluation framework which clarifies the key impacts and learning to be explored and methods for evidencing each finding;

  • Desk review of key project documents;

  • Short literature review on success factors for learning and policy transfer in transnational projects.

Analysis phase

Stage one will focus on gaining insights into and feedback on CONSOLIDATE methodology itself during 2025/early 2026. The contractor will:

  • Attend one peer-review visit taking place in the first semester of 2025, and the corresponding online preparatory meeting, to observe the peer review methodology in real time;

  • Attend at least one follow-up online session with the community of practice in the second half of 2025/first half of 2026;

  • Carry out a brief feedback evaluation survey (format to be determined) after all visits are completed on the peer review experience, as a host and as a visiting city;

  • Attend the partners meeting in Brussels (February/March 2026) and one online training on a cross-cutting theme organised by the project team.

Stage two will be a summative evaluation of the impact of the project and the degree to which it has met its objectives. This will take place in the second half of 2026. The contractor will:

  • Get in contact with all CONSOLIDATE partners to explore to what extent the CONSOLIDATE project overall has met its objectives, and what impact this has had on each city taking part;

  • Develop additional evaluation questions for the people who took part in CONSOLIDATE and CONNECTION/UNITES to compare the effectiveness of the different methodologies and the sustainability of pilots implemented under CONNECTION/UNITES.

We anticipate that this analysis phase will comprise the following, but are open to other suggestions:

  • (Online) Evaluation survey form to be designed by the contractor and filled in by CONSOLIDATE partners;

  • Phone/online qualitative interviews, using a semi-structured approach, with CONSOLIDATE partners.

Reporting and monitoring phase

  • The evaluation findings will be compiled into a report and presented during an online call with the CONSOLIDATE project coordinator;

  • The report will include the findings of the impact assessment, including key examples of materialised impact, or impacts that are in the process of materialisation, on cities integration policies;

  • The report will also feature an analysis of the key methodological findings and recommendations on how to make such transfer knowledge initiatives more effective for the future.


Led by Eurocities, CONSOLIDATE (Consolidating, innovating, and disseminating effective integration practices across Europe) aims to:

  • Support the development and implementation of new and more effective local integration strategies;

  • Identify and disseminate best practice and key knowledge to improve local integration policies;

  • Improve transnational engagement and cooperation between integration stakeholders;

  • Increase engagement of migrants and their organisations at local level.

Twelve local authorities are accompanied – through technical and financial support – in designing innovative policy pilots for more effective support in the following areas:

  • Effective labour market integration for refugees and other newcomers;

  • Local support instruments for refugees towards housing autonomy;

  • One Stop Shops as an accessible and efficient model for coordinated service provision.

CONSOLIDATE will also provide training to partner and external cities and identify best practices in responding to the cross-cutting challenges of:

  • Collecting and sharing client data in integration support;

  • Developing women-centred approaches to integration;

  • Managing the transition from emergency to a strategic approach to integration.


The bid should include:

  • A brief background of the applicant mentioning most relevant experience, in particular evaluating impact of transnational projects and/or research on transnational policy;

  • A brief description of the methodological approach suggested to perform the evaluation;

  • The requested maximum budget to implement the tasks.

The maximum budget to implement all tasks is €14,450, excluding VAT. The offer should be quoted in EUR and should include the net value of the provided service and the VAT value.

The bid must include all costs and all expenses incurred directly and indirectly by the contractor in performing the tasks. However, the bid will not include travel, and accommodation to attend one of the peer review visit and the partners’ meeting in Brussels – which will be reimbursed separately.


The candidates will be selected based on their professional and technical capacity. The following criteria will be applied:

  • Professional profile (CV, publications): Weight – 60%. Academic and/or professional curriculum in relation to the tasks to be performed. Previous experience in evaluating impact of transnational projects and/or research on transnational policy-learning is an asset. Eurocities will evaluate the offers received based on the Curriculum Vitae and any other documents provided;

  • Evaluation framework proposal: Weight – 40%. Eurocities will evaluate the scientific quality, concept, originality and relevance of the proposed evaluation framework, and also the quality of the research methodology and feasibility.


The applications must be sent by 17 January 2025 to:

  • Alexandra Weerts, CONSOLIDATE senior project coordinator:;

  • t: +32 2 552 08 27.

For any additional information, please also contact Alexandra Weerts.
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